Course Details

Course Units Location Starts Cost
HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care 16 units Electronic based Ongoing $295.00
HLTOUT008Manage a scene
HLTOUT004Assess and deliver basic clinical care
HLTWHS005Conduct manual tasks safely
CHCDIV002Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
HLTWHS002Follow safe work practices for direct client care
BSBFLM303Contribute to effective workplace relationships
HLTOUT001Implement safe access and egress
BSBMED301Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
HLTOUT009Manage the scene of a major incident
HLTAAP002Confirm physical health status
CHCLEG001Work legally and ethically
PUAEME008Provide pain management
CHCDIV001Work with diverse people
HLTINF006Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
HLTWHS006Manage personal stressors in the work environment
HLTOUT010Communicate in complex situations to support health care

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